Office of Performance Management and Open Data

Senior Data Analyst (Data Engineer)

Why the City of Chattanooga?

Data Engineering

Join us on our mission to make Chattanooga the best city to live in. Your challenge as a data engineer will be to build both reliable and sustainable data pipelines, leveraging both ETL tools (like FME) and custom Python scripting. Our vision is to make a lot of data about our city available and then catalyze the community to build an ecosystem of apps on top of this data through hackathons and community events. Having data about the city internally is also fundamental to the city’s ability to understand how things are going and where we can improve service delivery.


As a Data Engineer you will be empowered to learn new technologies and try out new ideas. If you have an idea, whenever feasible you will be given the runway to see if it can take flight. We take security and privacy very seriously, so we will work with you to separate your open-source code from confidential data, essentially creating a sandbox to try your idea.

Open Source

We have a strong preference for solving problems in a way that categorically solves that type of problem. Open-source is a key component of our sustainability strategy. By building with the community, we can use the expertise of the whole community. You can view our open-source work here:

What we are looking for

Additional Qualifications and Responsibilities

Additional qualifications and responsibilities are listed at the full job description here:

Work Location

We recognize the benefits of remote work while also valuing in-person community building. Finding a balance between the two, we require at least three days of work in the office per week (currently Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). Monday and Friday are often remote but your final schedule will depend on your specific remote work agreement. Core working hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm. You can also set up a flex week schedule (4 10-hour days).


$56,623.00 - $68,407.00

  Our Work

The office currently operates city's open data portal, performance and process improvement work and several other small initiatives. Together, these initiatives use data in the service of Chattanoogans. You can learn more about our work at our website.

  • Open Data Portal, a website that allows Chattanoogans the ability to view updated, relevant open data about how the city provides services. The portal not only hosts the data but also provides powerful visualization capabilities to make it easier for citizens and business to gain insights from data directly on the open data portal without being data analysis experts.

  • Peak Academy is a Chattanooga's premier training for city employees. Peak is designed to give the very best tools from the private sector (lean manufacturing, six sigma, human centered designed for example) to the true experts in the city, those doing the day to day work of providing city services.
  • ChattaData is a Chattanooga's performance dashboard where citizens can see how the city is progressing on its priorities. This site provides easy to understand visuals about how the city is performing, dramatically increasing transparency into the inner workings of city government.
  • Chattalytics, the City of Chattanooga's Data Science Program. Solving real world problems with data.
  • New Initiatives We are also working on new initiatives that build upon our open data offerings, our expertise in data science and the city's performance management program.

  Skills That Pay the Bills

Our dedicated team is growing through adding new skillsets to enhance and expand the current products and services. We are seeking a new team member with data and performance analytics backgrounds to increase our performance program effectiveness.